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Pickering's are a family friendly unit with 1/5th of the membership aged under 16, with children ranging from new-born babies through to grumpy teenagers.


Whenever possible the children of the regiment are included in displays and form an active part of the unit. Many of the members have grown up in Pickerings and become fully fledged "grown ups" who continue to re-enact.

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Apprentices at Armes

Once the children reach the year of their tenth birthday they are eligible for the Sealed Knot's version of the cadets - the Apprentices at Armes. The apprentices meet up at most major events and form their own unit of drums, pike and dummy musket. Here the children are taught how to use these practise weapons safely preparing them for the day that they are allowed to join the ranks on the battlefield.


The Apprentices will often be found in the Living History area providing "pre battle displays" for the public and will sometimes be allowed onto the battlefield prior to the actual battle. It is not uncommon to find the apprentices attacking regimental units who are drilling providing much hilarity for the children as they decimate the grown up ranks!


Apprentices allows the children to make friends outside of their regiment and provides them (and the parents) an element of freedom and ensures that they feel fully integrated into the Sealed Knot family.


The children of the regiment will normally be found running around the campsite and being allowed an element of freedom that is often lacking in the modern world. There is a refreshing absence of electronics and it is great to see kids being kids.


You find that all members of the regiment will keep a continual eye out for the children whilst they explore the campsite ensuring that they are safe at all times. The campsites themselves are guarded 24/7 and there is no public access which gives parents extra re-assurance that the little ones are safe.




Liam 12 years old says:

"I get excited visiting new places and being able to explore the campsite. I love seeing my friends and meeting new people. Apprentices is fun, I get to practice musket ready for when I am 16. I cant wait to fire one properly when I am old enough. Late nights around the campfire and listening to the grown up stories and sometimes toasting marshmallows is awesome.


The battles are loud and I like spotting Mum or Dad while they take part. There is sometimes ice-cream! I really like BBQ food and if the weather is nice Dad will cook a BBQ after the battle.


My Sealed Knot friends and their parents are like extra family to me"


If seeing your kids having fun interests you please get in touch.


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